Thursday, March 22, 2012

La Sagrada Familia

Begun as a classic gothic church, over 100 years ago, as a means to expiate for the sins of the city. . . Completely re-envisioned by Gaudi. He died in 1926, with the monumental construction work just started. But he got to see the first of what will be 12 (or 17?) towers completed.

There are 2 facades So far: one is about the nativity (birth of Jesus), all organic shapes, strangely beautiful.

I noticed an orchestra of angels, including one playing the bassoon.

A sea turtle supporting a massive column.

The slaughter of the boy babies of Bethlehem. . .

The opposite side represents the Passion (Jesus's last week, death and resurrection). The style of the sculpture and architecture is the opposite of the Nativity side. Here it is sharp, hard, squared-off forms. Abstracted, meant to look 'modern' - at that time. Totally different feeling and I thought it was much more powerful.

Jesus betrayed with a kiss, Peter grieving that he denied Jesus, the crucifixion, mourners at the tomb. . . There is a golden statue of the resurrected Christ, but he was covered up by protective mesh today.


As soon as I finish my brownie and glass of red wine, I will show you some of the inside.

Location:Barcelona Spain

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